Projects we have worked on relating to gender relationships (including power and access to and control over resources) and sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR):

Gender Norms and the Mauritania Social Transfer Program, World Bank Africa Gender Innovation Lab (working with Trinity College Dublin)
Bath SDR worked with a local research team to conduct over 80 individual interviews – mainly with women and a small selection of men in senior village positions, as well as 11 focus groups with men and women. This in-depth qualitative study (funded by IFPRI) aimed to complement and enhance the learning from a randomized control trial (conducted by Trinity College Dublin) looking at the success of the integration of IPV prevention programming into a social safety net program in Mauritania (Tekavoul). Tekavoul aims to reach 100,000 extremely poor households to protect them from severe deprivation and to support human capital investments. As well as cash it provides social promotion activities addressing hygiene, nutrition, education, civil registration, and child development. Sep 2023 – Jan 2024

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, U.K. (Verian formerly Kantar Public): Delivered as part of a larger evaluation with Kantar Public to understand the impact of the Tampon Tax Fund at the sector and organisational (grantee) level. This study included interviews with 40 organisations who had received funding in the last few years. Nov 2022 – Jan 2023.
Home Office, U.K. (Verian formerly Kantar Public): Delivered as part of a larger evaluation with Kantar Public to understand the impact on violence against women and girls (VAWG) crimes and the impact on public feelings of safety, with a particular focus on women and girls’, in target areas. Planned Jun – Sep 2022

Opportunity International Canada, Ghana: This study evaluated the impact of the Global Affairs Canada Financial Inclusion for Enterprise Development (GAC FINEDEV) project in Ghana. This project aimed to increase access to formal financing, create business-to-business linkages and networking opportunities particularly for small SMEs, women and vulnerable groups – with the end goal of contributing to the empowerment of women and girls in Ghana. The study included key informant interviews, a literature review, a staff survey and 48 QuIP interviews with loan customers. June – September 2022.
Opportunity International UK, Ghana: Final evaluation of the DFID-funded programme ‘Roots of Change: Increasing the economic empowerment of women in Ghana and the DRC through rural financing’. 48 individual interviews and 8 focus groups. September – November 2021.
Opportunity International UK, Ghana: Mid-term evaluation of the DFID-funded programme ‘Roots of Change: Increasing the economic empowerment of women in Ghana and the DRC through rural financing’. 48 individual interviews and 8 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR between June – September 2020.

AgDevCo, Uganda: Exploring the impact of formal employment for female field officers working for a local agricultural development company in the East Acholi region. 36 individual interviews and 4 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR between October – December 2020.

Girl Effect, Rwanda: A deep dive into the impacts of Ni Nyampinga, a schools-based programme in Rwanda, aimed at girls aged 15-19, to encourage positive attitudes and confidence around sexual and reproductive health behaviours. September – December 2021. Find more information about the study here.

Rutgers International, Indonesia: Evaluation of the ‘Setara’ programme as part of the Global Early Adolescent Study (GEAS) in schools in Bali, Central Java and Sumatra – concerned with attitudes to gender equality, gender norms within the home and school environment and understanding and attitudes towards sexual development and behaviours. 48 individual interviews and 12 focus groups with adolescent school pupils. Carried out by Bath SDR between November 2019 – February 2020.
Rutgers International, Uganda: Evaluation of ‘Get Up Speak Out – Flexibility Fund’ (GUSO Flex) – a collaboration between the GUSO consortium in Uganda and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Alliance Uganda. 24 individual interviews and 4 focus groups, completed in September 2019.
Rutgers International, Kenya: Evaluation of a Rutgers International sexual and reproductive health rights education programme with young people between 15-24 years old. 24 interviews, 4 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR between April – June 2018.

MannionDaniels: Evaluation commissioned by MannionDaniels of the internal organisational changes and external mechanisms which affect the capacity of grantees who successfully graduate to access larger funds as part of the ‘AmplifyChange‘ programme. 24 organisational level interviews. Carried out by Bath SDR November – December 2018.