Health, nutrition, WASH

Projects we have worked on in this sector:

UNICEF, Serbia: Research on immunisation, health and wellbeing of children in Roma settlements in Serbia, with a focus on the impact of health mediators and home nurses. 36 interviews. April-July 2023 

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Save the Children, Malawi: This multi-sector project aims to improve child growth and development and maternal nutrition. There are a number of different treatment groups, all receiving nutrition and parenting support/training and some receiving cash transfers. Due to the number of different treatment groups 96 individual interviews were conducted in this QuIP study. Jan 24 – Ongoing

Save the Children, Zimbabwe: Evaluation of an integrated agriculture and nutrition programme. 48 interviews, 8 focus groups. April – May 2021. Read a summary of the Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Tanzania studies here.

Save the Children, Mozambique: Evaluation of the ‘Linking Agribusiness and Nutrition’ programme in Tete and Manica provinces in Mozambique. 48 interviews, 8 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR between June – September 2019.

Save the Children, Ethiopia: Evaluation of an early action intervention to mitigate impacts of predicted poor rains on a drought-affected community in the Somaliland region. 24 interviews, 4 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR between August – November 2017.

Save the Children, Tanzania: Evaluation of a Save the Children agriculture and nutrition project aimed at babies and young children in the south of Tanzania. 30 interviews, 4 focus groups and 5 key stakeholder interviews/focus groups with key civil society organisations. Carried out by Bath SDR between March – May 2017.

Aga Khan Foundation, Tajikistan: Evaluation of the Central Asia Food Security Project, Khorog, Tajikistan. 24 interviews and 4 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR between May-July 2019.

Aga Khan Foundation, Tajikistan: Evaluation of an Aga Khan Foundation project implementing the Food Security and Nutrition Programme (FSNP) across 14 sub-districts of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) in Tajikistan, covering 112 villages with over 1,730 severely food insecure households. 36 interviews, 6 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR in July 2017.

Aga Khan Development Network, Tajikistan: Support of the AKDN Quality of Life Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Support Unit undertaking a Quality of Life study in Tajikistan. 72 interviews and 12 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR in September-October 2019.