Projects we have worked on in this sector:

UNICEF, Serbia: Research on immunisation, health and wellbeing of children in Roma settlements in Serbia, with a focus on the impact of health mediators and home nurses. 36 interviews. April-July 2023

Save the Children, Malawi: The qualitative data collected for this evaluation will complement an RCT being conducted by IFPRI to assess the impact of different combinations of support and cash transfers on early child development and maternal nutrition. The interventions include training and advice on nutrition and parenting, as well as varying levels of cash transfers. The QuIP evaluation comprises 96 individual interviews conducted in June 2024. Read the final report here.
Save the Children, Zimbabwe: Evaluation of an integrated agriculture and nutrition programme. 48 interviews, 8 focus groups. April – May 2021. Read a summary of the Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Tanzania studies here.
Save the Children, Mozambique: Evaluation of the ‘Linking Agribusiness and Nutrition’ programme in Tete and Manica provinces in Mozambique. 48 interviews, 8 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR between June – September 2019.
Save the Children, Ethiopia: Evaluation of an early action intervention to mitigate impacts of predicted poor rains on a drought-affected community in the Somaliland region. 24 interviews, 4 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR between August – November 2017.
Save the Children, Tanzania: Evaluation of a Save the Children agriculture and nutrition project aimed at babies and young children in the south of Tanzania. 30 interviews, 4 focus groups and 5 key stakeholder interviews/focus groups with key civil society organisations. Carried out by Bath SDR between March – May 2017.

Aga Khan Foundation, Tajikistan: Evaluation of the Central Asia Food Security Project, Khorog, Tajikistan. 24 interviews and 4 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR between May-July 2019.
Aga Khan Foundation, Tajikistan: Evaluation of an Aga Khan Foundation project implementing the Food Security and Nutrition Programme (FSNP) across 14 sub-districts of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) in Tajikistan, covering 112 villages with over 1,730 severely food insecure households. 36 interviews, 6 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR in July 2017.

Aga Khan Development Network, Tajikistan: Support of the AKDN Quality of Life Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Support Unit undertaking a Quality of Life study in Tajikistan. 72 interviews and 12 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR in September-October 2019.