Work, community and third sector

Projects we have conducted on labour conditions, as well as community mobilisation initiatives and third sector advocacy:

International Labour Organisation, Sri Lanka: Evaluating the impact of a joint ILO-IFC program which engages with the garment industry at the factory, national and international levels to improve working conditions in the global apparel industry. May 24 – Ongoing

Home Office, U.K. (Verian formerly Kantar Public): Part of a wider evaluation, the QuIP study added to the understanding of the impact of the Safer Streets Fund Round 4. This evaluation focuses on community anti-social behaviour programmes in Swindon and Gwent. Aug 2023- March 24

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, U.K. (Verian formerly Kantar Public): Delivered as part of a larger evaluation with Kantar Public to understand the impact of the Tampon Tax Fund at the sector and organisational (grantee) level. This study included interviews with 40 organisations who had received funding in the last few years. Nov 2022 – Jan 2023.

Home Office, U.K. (Verian formerly Kantar Public): Delivered as part of a larger evaluation with Kantar Public to understand the impact on violence against women and girls (VAWG) crimes and the impact on public feelings of safety, with a particular focus on women and girls’, in target areas. Jun – Sep 2022

Home Office, U.K. (Verian formerly Kantar Public): Evaluation of the impacts of the Safer Streets Fund Round 3, assessing changes in perceptions of risk amongst communities using public spaces at night for social and work reasons. Delivered as part of a larger evaluation with Kantar Public. Feb – Jul 2022.

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Power to Change, UK: A second study looking to gather evidence on the role capacity building plays in the development of community businesses. April – May 2021. A case study of both Power to Change studies is available here.

Power to Change, UK: Evaluation of Power to Change’s investments and activities designed to build capacity and organisational resilience in community businesses (CB). 14 remote interviews carried out between January – February 2020.

Aga Khan & La Caixa Foundation, Mozambique: Assessment of the impact of the Juntos! civil society strengthening programme. 22 individual interviews were carried out with key informants from CSOs, NGOs, the government and the private sector, between October – December 2020.

Tearfund, Bolivia: Evaluation of Tearfund’s Church & Community Mobilisation programme in two districts in Bolivia. 48 interviews and 8 focus groups, between September – November 2018. A case study of the four Tearfund studies are available in static and animated version.

Tearfund, Sierra Leone: Evaluation of Tearfund’s Church & Community Mobilisation programme in two districts in Sierra Leone. 48 interviews and 8 focus groups, completed in June 2018.

Tearfund, Uganda: Evaluation of Tearfund’s Church & Community Mobilisation programme in two districts in Uganda. 48 interviews and 8 focus groups. Carried out by Bath SDR between November 2016 – January 2017. You can read the full QuIP report here. Tearfund published their own summary report which you can read here.


Voscur, Bristol UK: Evaluation of the services Voscur provide to Bristol’s voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) and the wider context affecting their work. Voscur carries out an annual QuIP in Bristol with 24 organisations. You can read a summary blog about the first Voscur study in 2017 here.


C&A Foundation (Now Laudes Foundation), Mexico: Evaluation of C&A Foundation‘s YQYP Programme to improve the working conditions and wellbeing of textile and apparel factories in Central Mexico. Impact assessment and process evaluation. 32 interviews, 4 focus groups and 2 case studies across six textile factories in two states of Mexico. Carried out by Bath SDR between October 2016 – March 2017.  You can view the full report here.