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The UK’s voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) sector spends around £40bn (NCVO UK Civil Society Almanac – on delivering services to some of the UK’s most marginalised communities and individuals. Like their counterparts in the global development sector, organisations in the UK voluntary sector face challenges in understanding their contribution to change and...
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The Aga Khan Foundation in Ottawa hosted James Copestake on 20th October to deliver a presentation on: Cautionary tales of complex causation: Qualitative and mixed method impact assessment of climate change and livelihood transformations in Africa A recording of the presentation is available, where you can see James Copestake talking about the background to the QuIP and...
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Whenever James Copestake or I present the QuIP methodology to a new audience we are always prepared for the first question: “Is the idea of blinding the field researchers ethical?”. Having now danced around the ‘means to an end’ response for a couple of years we are pleased to publish our latest working paper on...
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Anyone who has followed the fortunes of the Assessing Rural Transformations project since 2012 will know that the launch of our new website is a significant milestone for the QuIP. is now the online home and repository of resources related to the Qualitative Impact Protocol – thanks to a follow-on research grant from ESRC-DFID. Having a lasting presence...
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