Conference season approaches!

10 July 2024 | News
|As we wend our way through a ‘is it really Summer?’ season in the UK 🌦️, we get ever closer to a series of exciting conferences which will feature at least a passing reference to some of our work!
First up is BIEN, the world’s largest annual Basic Income Conference convened by the Basic Income Earth Network, this year hosted by the UBI Network at the University of Bath between 29-31 August (register here!). This offers an opportunity to bring together collaborators who have worked on evaluations of on a number of cash transfer programmes – in this instance a panel focusing particularly on experiences in Malawi. We are working on a number of live evaluations of ‘cash transfer +’ programmes, so we look forward to discussions on a very topical direction in development.
Next, the annual conference of the British Society for Population Studies is also being hosted at the University of Bath this year, 9-11 September. Representatives of Causal Map & Bath SDR will lead a discussion on AI and semi-structured interviewing based on experiences with Qualia and causal mapping of responses.
Somewhat further afield, James Copestake has been invited to deliver a keynote address at the Australian Evaluation Society conference in Melbourne, 18-20 September; “What next? From evaluating to anticipating” at 3.30pm on the opening day, as well as a pre-conference workshop on Monday 16th September, Qualitative causal analysis and impact evaluation using the QuIP.
Finally, we are excited to be book-ending the European Evaluation Society conference in Italy, with a workshop on Causal mapping with simple tools on Monday 23rd September, and a panel on integrating QuIP studies into organisation-wide evaluation systems at 4.15pm on Friday 27th September – Empirically Informed Upgrading of Organisational Theories of Change: Uptake of QuIP as an Example of Evaluative Bricolage. Early bird registration is still available for EES.
We hope to catch some of our blog readers at one or more events, come and say hi!
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