It’s been an incredibly busy summer for Bath SDR, over the months when typically those of us in the Northern Hemisphere tend to try to take holidays, which makes a rush of projects all culminating at the same time even more difficult than it would be at any other time! So, a big thank you...
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This week we point you to a joint blog and project we have been involved with over the last two years. The Causal Pathways Initiative is a group of practitioners interested in approaches which focus on the pathways to change, expected and unexpected, without relying on experimental or quasi-experimental approaches. This fantastic resource hub...
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As we wend our way through a ‘is it really Summer?’ season in the UK 🌦️, we get ever closer to a series of exciting conferences which will feature at least a passing reference to some of our work! First up is BIEN, the world’s largest annual Basic Income Conference convened by the Basic Income...
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Any academic will tell you that one of the high points of their research is seeing work finally published; so I’m delighted (and relieved!) to be able to share the news that another paper building on QuIP experiences has just been e-published – this time in the Journal of Development Effectiveness. This adds to the...
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We always enjoy seeing shared results of evaluations using QuIP, and in the last few weeks we have been treated to three such examples which we are pleased to say are now available on our resources page – just search for Example Reports. The first study was conducted in Haiti by the University of Notre...
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As we say goodbye to 2023 we (Hannah and Fiona) reflect on the highs and lows of another busy year for our little team in Bath, UK. We started the year with a beautifully post-pandemic move into an in-person office space in the vaults underneath the old railway station in Bath, Green Park Station, run...
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For anyone who has followed our journey into the world of qualitative data analysis software, we’re pleased to announce a sleek, new and improved version! Causal Map version 3 (CM3) has launched and is already being used regularly by a team of early adopters and new users. The update has a much cleaner look, is...
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This blog was originally posted by the University of Bath Centre for Development Studies and is reproduced here with the permission of Prof James Copestake. Cartoon by Chris Lysy of Fresh Spectrum, reproduced (with permission) from the fantastic book Evaluation Illustrated. In an era of heightened crisis and uncertainty, prospects for anticipating future trends and...
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Steve Powell shares news of the publication of our article on causal mapping in the journal Evaluation. We have come to think of causal mapping as (part of) the logic of QuIP analysis, but until now had not set this in the context of an existing body of work which has contributed to the development...
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