An accessible methodological guide which outlines the QuIP approach in the context of other similar evaluation methods, the best place to start!
This book contains reflections on real QuIP case studies and detailed guidelines. Available as a free e-book.
Intrac have published a useful step by step guide to QuIP. This accessible document gives a brief introduction to each step in a QuIP study.
An overview of how QuIP data is presented in a standard report as prepared by Bath SDR.
This article outlines the use of causal mapping within evaluation and guidelines for evaluators interested in using it as a tool for collating and analysing evidence for causal pathways.
The practice of mixed methods impact evaluation remains confused. This article in the Journal for Development Effectiveness encourages greater clarity by distinguishing between ‘quant-led’ and ‘qual-led’ approaches.
A selection of case studies based on evaluations conducted by Bath SDR using QuIP.
A comparison of the two approaches in table form, taken from the QuIP briefing paper
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