An Independent Institutional and Social Impact Evaluation of Two Housing Microfinance Products in South India.
Case study of exploratory research into the impact of Fairtrade cocoa cooperatives on cocoa farmers in Ivory Coast
A brief guide to good purposive case selection in qualitative research
A more detailed review of how QuIP compares with other approaches to development impact evaluation, from the book Attributing Development Impact.
Article reflecting on the challenges qualitative analysts face in mitigating the impact of their personal biases and power relationships in data coding and analysis.
Be in the room for this brilliant presentation and discussion at Aga Khan Foundation Canada, including contributions from John Mayne himself!
Presentation for the Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning
Chapter on development and testing of the QuIP in the book Mixed Methods Research in Poverty and Vulnerability.
Published in the journal Evaluation: There are strong grounds for simply asking those intended to benefit what happened to them, but how to reduce the risk of confirmation bias?
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