Participatory Development Associates (PDA) has collaborated with Bath SDR since 2016 to implement several QuIPs (evaluations using the Qualitative Impact Protocol) and other research projects across Ghana and in the Democratic Republic of Congo, undertaking hundreds of in-depth interviews, FGDs, surveys – and pulling together quant and qual evidence for clients. The team was keen...
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Last year we shared some reflections from our experiences of adapting and developing the QuIP approach in the context of the pandemic, highlighting how we had encountered both practical and methodological challenges. One of the issues we’ve continued to grapple with is how to facilitate conversations about changes over time without Covid-19 entirely dominating the causal...
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Bath Social & Development Research was set up in 2016, and in the intervening years we have had many interesting conversations about how and why the company was set up outside of its roots in the university sector, why it’s a non-profit and most of all how on earth we make the idea of blindfolding...
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Last week Bath SDR presented findings from our recently published report ‘Linking formal financial services with informal savings’ at the global webinar ‘Proven approaches to delivering inclusive finance’, a wrap up and review of six years of innovations pioneered by the Mastercard Foundation and WSBI programmes Savings at the Frontier and Scale2Save with 20 financial...
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We are really pleased to share the news that our sister company Causal Map has been announced as winner of the 2022 SAGE Publishing Concept Grant. This grant is awarded to software tools in the early stages of development which offer useful application in academia, to enable concept testing and software development. Members of staff...
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The World Food Programme (WFP) Bureau in Johannesburg used QuIP as an opportunity to evaluate the real impact of WFP’s interventions whilst actively working to reduce potential confirmation bias in their research. This guest blog is written by Ludovico Alcorta – Director of Research, Southern Africa, Forcier Consulting In 2021, following participation in QuIP...
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This blog was originally written by Professor James Copestake for the Centre for Qualitative Analysis at the University of Bath, and is republished here with permission. James Copestake is a Director of Bath SDR, and the original Principal Investigator on the research which produced the Qualitative Impact Protocol. One way or another, we all struggle...
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This blog celebrates the publication of a joint Social Value UK/Bath SDR paper comparing the key similarities and differences between QuIP and Social Return on Investment, an approach used widely across the world. Anyone who works in monitoring & evaluation knows that this is a world peppered with methods, approaches and acronyms. With QuIP we...
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How old do you need to be to participate in a QuIP study? Bath SDR has often been asked this question and it has been a difficult one to answer. We don’t think it can be answered with a single number, but we would like to have a clear and helpful answer to help QuIP...
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