We are delighted to announce that the much anticipated book dedicated to the QuIP, ‘Attributing Development Impact: The Qualitative Impact Protocol Casebook’, launched on 18th March at the Bond Conference in London! Hardback and paperback copies are available from the publisher (and other well-known online booksellers), and thanks to the generous support of the University of...
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It’s World Book Day, and for many parents this means getting the dreaded craft box out and spending increasingly fraught hours making a costume or book character out of a potato, wooden spoon, hard-boiled egg etc. Surveying the chaos left after last night’s efforts reminded me of the (much more enjoyable) recent Qualitative Research Symposium...
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Voscur is the support and development agency for Bristol’s Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE). They support organisations to increase the impact they create for their users. David Whittaker, Services Manager at Voscur writes here about a recent QuIP study undertaken with their clients in Bristol to assess what is driving change in local...
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The impact evaluation world is always looking for improved ways of managing data, with many temptations out there in the form of sentient learning and clever algorithms. At BSDR we have embraced technology as an enabler throughout our QuIP journey, but with the caveat that it should always help us highlight complexity, not hide it...
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Guest blogger, QuIP-Accredited Consultant Max Nino-Zarazua I recently returned from the 6th Asia-Pacific Housing Forum hosted by Habitat for Humanity in Hong Kong. The forum addresses housing challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and I was invited to present the results of a housing microfinance impact study I led in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, India. The...
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