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Book now for next QuIP training course starting 14th October 2024

Our next Lead Evaluator Course in QuIP project design and management is booked to run between 14th – 21st October 2024. Find out more about the course and see testimonials from previous attendees here.

The course offers an introduction to the theory behind QuIP as well as covering the practical aspects of designing, costing and managing a study – from sample selection to final data analysis. The modules cover:

  • Methodological overview; main features, contexts where QuIP fits best
  • Planning a QuIP: time scales, roles and expectations
  • Case selection
  • Questionnaire design
  • Data collection
  • An overview of data coding and analysis in Causal Map
  • Use of results

See the course schedule for how the course is split between self-study and live sessions over a working week, with a final live wrap up session on the following Monday.

Please contact Jo to book places on this course, via

We try to run courses at least every 6 months, but this is subject to demand and our internal work schedules. If you are interested in hearing when dates are released or you would like to arrange an in-house session, please contact to be notified about future training dates.

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