The following blog post is a contribution from Ann Mitchell, Full Professor in the Department of Economics at the Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Whilst in Bath working with Severine Deneulin at the University of Bath she trained as a QuIP Lead Evaluator in 2019 and went on to use the approach independently to evaluate a...
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Since 2017 we have trained over 120 people in QuIP study design and data analysis on our QuIP Lead Evaluator course. This is a valued community of standard bearers who help us in our mission to encourage more and better use of qualitative data in evaluations. Since the launch of Causal Map and Bath SDR’s move...
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We’re pleased to make available a pre-publication version of a new paper by James Copestake, forthcoming in the journal Development in Practice; Case and evidence selection for robust generalisation in impact evaluation The paper focuses on sampling – or ‘case selection’, one of the areas researchers new to QuIP find most difficult to reconcile with...
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A guest blog by Steve Powell who is working with Bath SDR on solving some of the knotty problems encountered in analysing and using causal connections – the heart of so many evaluations. As programme evaluators, we often have to deal with heaps of causal claims, for example that X causes Y, or causally contributes...
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We never stand still at BSDR, and the last few months have been all about reviewing the approach we take to coding our data! This short blog will summarise some of these conversations and link to a new resource for QuIP analysts to understand the implications of any changes for coding QuIP data. The QuIP...
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