We are grateful for this guest post from Rosemary Nyaga, M&E Manager at Feed the Children. Rosemary completed an online QuIP Lead Evaluator training course in 2020 and went on to use the approach independently to evaluate a nutrition programme in Kenya – specifically working with younger respondents, a cohort which poses some specific challenges...
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A guest post by Moses Mukuru, QuIP Lead Researcher in Uganda Since 2016, when QuIP was first introduced in Uganda, seven studies have been conducted here to date, across diverse sectors such as: Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Agriculture Livelihoods Education Microfinance The QuIP process was designed to include an unblindfolding/validation workshop with respondents...
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We’re delighted to share this guest post written by Mollie Liesner, Senior Impact Manager at AgDevCo. AgDevCo is an impact investor supporting the growth of sustainable and impactful agribusinesses in sub-Saharan Africa. Please also see: Measuring the women’s economic empowerment generated by impact investing; testing the QuIP method on an investment in Uganda’s cotton sector,...
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Bath SDR is pleased to be launching an award scheme to enable greater access to QuIP training and linked software, Causal Map. We propose to fund a limited number of free places for applicants who wish to attend one of our online QuIP Lead Evaluator courses, and subject to successful completion of an accreditation assignment...
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We are very pleased to share our updated QuIP guidelines which have been translated into the following languages (click on the link to access): Spanish QuIP Guidelines French QuIP Guidelines Portuguese (Mozambique) QuIP Guidelines Portuguese (Brazil) QuIP Guidelines English QuIP Guidelines Friends and colleagues have kindly proofed these for us, but we are always open...
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Much has changed since we published the book Attributing development impact, reflecting on lessons learnt conducting QuIP studies up until the end of 2017. There’s been Covid-19, the relentless digitalisation of our lives and climate change drama. Black Lives Matter has injected new energy into ‘decolonising’ international development practice or whatever remains of it. Meanwhile,...
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Almost a year ago we published a blog on the back of a virtual discussion held with researchers from the Bath SDR network and beyond about the challenges and opportunities facing qualitative researchers conducting fieldwork during the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the uncertainty about procedures and practicalities, we committed to ‘try, learn, fix, and try again’....
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This post is written by Bath SDR Associate Aurelie Larquemin who has worked on a number of QuIP studies in the financial inclusion sector. Contributions were also made by Prof James Copestake. National and global statistics on changing access to financial services have improved greatly in the decade since the 2011 Maya Declaration on financial...
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Does every explanation of a change have to be a change itself? Can only changes explain changes? At BSDR and Causal Map Ltd we spend a lot of time battling with tricky conceptual questions and puzzles. Working here can seem more like being part of a philosophers’ holiday camp than a research team! Sometimes I...
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